Bouquet Fundraiser
Freedom Blooms
How it Works
How it Works *
Bouquet Fundraiser is Blooming Meadows Farm's way of giving back to the community. We want to help local organizations and non-profits with raising funds to help their cause.
Your organization presells the bouquets and a portion of each bouquet is donated to your group.
The bouquets sell for $20. For each bouquet sold, the Watsontown Police will receive $5.
Fundraisers have a month to sell the bouquets. Once the orders are collected, the payment of $15 per bouquet is due to Blooming Meadows Farm.
Blooming Meadows will have the flowers available for pickup 2 weeks after payment.
Any bouquets sold as part of this fundraiser will be wrapped in brown craft paper.
We will have the flowers in buckets of water. Please return the clean buckets within a week of pickup.
Freedom Blooms Fundraiser is presented by Blooming Meadows Farm, a double veteran-owned business. This fundraiser is dedicated to honoring those who courageously and selflessly joined the US military to protect our freedom.
Any bouquets sold as part of this fundraiser will go towards flowers to be placed at a Veteran's grave.
If you would like to personally receive a bouquet, it can be picked up at the farm after 10am the Saturday before Memorial Day.
Bouquets will come with a plastic vase that can be inserted into the grass at the grave site.
Blooming Meadows Farm will place all remaining bouquets that were not picked up at the farm at the Watsontown Grave during the Memorial Day service.
The bouquets sell for $25. For each bouquet sold, the Watsontown Police will receive $5.
Your donations not only help to honor our Veterans but also support our local organization.
We are always looking for volunteers to help sell the bouquets and place the bouquets on the graves.