U-Pick Flowers

Come spend some time picking flowers at Blooming Meadows Farm. Each season will bring different flowers. We have over 80 different flowers and herbs. You can come back many times and experience something different and new to enjoy in our garden. Flowers are blooming between spring through frost. Our 1st flowers are tulips and daffodils and we end with dahlias and sunflowers.
The u-pick will be open during the growing season every Thursday 9am-12pm, Friday 6-8pm & Saturday 9am-12pm. Thursdays are kid days. Thursdays kids get a free bouquet with a purchase of a standard bouquet or U-Pick.
When you arrive, check in the store. We have 3 different size buckets, and 1 child size option to pick from. You can cut as many flowers that will fit in the bucket. When you are finished picking, we have tables to arrange your bouquet. After you arrange your bouquet and are ready, return to the store and an employee will wrap your bouquet in brown kraft paper.
We supply all items necessary to pick the flowers. You might want to bring a container with water to transport the flowers home.
Flower Bucket Sizes